Art Versus Nonart. Art out of Mind. Translated by John G. Harries.


gr.-8°. XVI, 443 S., 11 farbige u. einige sw Abb., OPappband mit Oumschl.


The author poses the question “Is modern art art at all?” He argues that much, if not all, of the nonrepresentational art producet in the 20th century was not art, but rather the debris of thevisual tradition is replaced. Moder art has thrived on the total confusion between art and pseudo-art and the inability of many to distinguish between them. This book prpopses a new way to define art, anchoring the nature of art in the nature of the mind, solving a major problem of art and aestetics for which no solution has yet been provided.

Artikelnummer EEzz6280 Sachgebiet Schlagworte ,


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