Prediction of Neuroleptic Treatment Outcome in Schizophrenia. Concepts and Methods.
XII, 216 S., 23 Abb. OBrosch., ,neuwertig / as new. (EUR 117,00)
Prognosis is a core concept in psychiatry. This book is concerned with prediction of neuroleptic treatment outcome in schizophrenia from a conceptual and methodological point of view. Various aspects of the topic, such as definition and measurement of response, dimensions of treatment outcome, neuropsychological, neuropsychopharmacological and neurobiochemical predictors as well as the clinical application of neuroimaging methods and neurogenetics are treated by experts in the field. One aim of the book is to summarize the present state of the art in prediction research and thereby to provide a useful compendium. Moreover guidelines for future research strategies are formulated.
Artikelnummer MEDI0432 Sachgebiet Medizin Schlagworte Neuroleptika, Psychiatry, Psychopharmaka, Schizophrenia
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