South Slav Dialogues in Modernism. Bulgarian Art and the Art of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. 1904-1912.
Gr.-8°. 368 S. Mit 90 s/w. Textabb. u. 92 farb. Abb. auf Tafelseiten. Farb. illustr. OKart. Einbd. leicht berieben u. angestaubt. – ISBN: 978-954-8594-09-7
In englischer Sprache. This book “is the first and unique so far survey by a Bulgarian scholar of South Slav artistic contacts and interrelations in the early twentieth century. The history of the ‘Lada’ union of South Slav Artists, largely unknown to us, is reconstructed on the basis of extensive documentary material. Analyzed in depth and continuously juxtaposed to analogous developments in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia are the process of penetration, reception and formation of Modernism in Bulgaria”. (Klappentext).
Artikelnummer EEzz8410z Sachgebiet Kunst Schlagworte 20. Jahrhundert, Balkan, Bulgarien, Kunstgeschichte, Malerei, Serbien, Slowenien, Südslawen
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