The Birds of Egypt.
gr.-8°. xxi, 551 pp, publ. clothbound with dustj., very good condition. ISBN 0198576447
The first comprehensive work on the birds of Egypt. Extensive introductory sections discuss the history of Egyptian ornithology, geography, biotic communities, hunting, conservation, and changes in the environment. It describes the breeding distributions and seasons, movements, and migratory routes of the 421 species known in the country. The book is enhanced by range maps of most breeding species, numerous maps of the origins of Eurasian migrants, and six paintings. For the first time, both official and regional Egyptian bird names have been published in both Arabic script and transliterated form. Several indexes, a gazeteer of all localities mentioned in the text, and an extensive bibliography facilitate the book’s use. A reference-work for the professional ornithologist, bird-watcher, and persons interested in the natural history of Egypt.
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