The TIMES REPORT of the Trial of William Palmer, For Poisoning John Parsons Cook, at Rugeley. From the short-hand notes taken in the Central Criminal Court. Illustrated and Unabridged Edition.


184 S., zahlr. Holzstich-Ill. im Text. [Beigebunden:] LAST HOURS and Execution of William Palmer, the Poisoner…from the time he left Newgate to his death. 16 S. / Illustrated LIFE and CAREER of William Palmer, details of his conduct as school-boy, medical-student, racing-man, and poisoner, with original letters of William and Anne Palmer…illustrated…London, Ward and Lock 1856. 136 S. mit Abb. u. Faks. / VERBATIM REPORT of the trial of William Palmer…transcribed from the shorthand-notes…London, Allen 1856. 171 S. / OFFICIAL REPORT of the minutes of evidence, taken in short-hand…London, Hebert 1856. 225 S. / WAKLEY, Thomas. The cries of the condemned; or proofs of the unfair trial and (if executed) the legal murder of William Palmer…London, Elliot (186). 16 S. / PALMER, Thomas. A letter to the lord chief justice Campbell, remarks upon the conduct of the prosecution and the judges…with documents. London, Taylor 1856. 48 S. + “Appendix + Addenda. 34 S. / CONINGTON, Henry. A letter to Serjeant Shee, on the trial of William Palmer. London, Smith 1856. 16 S. / W. PALMER EXHUMED. A few words on the trial…London, E. Palmer 1856. 43 S.

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