Wo Kunst entsteht. Art Starts Here.: Werk(stätt)en in Niederösterreich / Work (Spaces) in Lower Austria


4°. 335 S., durchg. farbig illustriert, Text dt. u. engl., Audio-CD beiliegend. OLn. mit OUmschlag, wie neu. ISBN 9783709110416


Lower Austria s art-friendly atmosphere results in an active influx of artists, with recent additions including Daniel Spoerri and Felix Mitterer. The book introduces over 80 cultural figures from the fields of music, theater, film, cabaret, literature, the visual arts, design and architecture. Markus Rossle s uniquely personal photographs show the artists in their respective and disparate workspaces. In their statements we get to hear from the artists themselves, who share their thoughts on inspiration, living in lower Austria and the landscape. The accompanying audio book, a collaboration by Theresia Hauenfels and the composer Rupert Huber, collects and records the visits as a journey through lower Austria.

Artikelnummer EEZZ1899 Sachgebiet Schlagworte , , ,


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